Friday, March 6, 2009

Top Ten Four Tips For Resale Rights Product!

You Just secured resale rights to an ebook you think has a lot of potential. There's just one problem… hundreds of other internet marketers are selling the exact same ebook!

So how do you compete? How do you make the ebook you've secured resale rights to stand out from the crowd? First, you need to add "value" to your offer. Here are some ways to do it:

1) Include bonuses, bonuses, and more bonuses! This is critical. Make sure to add a ton of bonuses to your offer. The more "freebies" a customer can get if they buy the product you've secured resale rights to – the more the better. Bonuses can be ebooks, special reports, free memberships to paid member sites, software, etc.

One important note: Make sure that the bonus relates to the information product you're selling. For example, if you are market ebook on self-publishing online, you could include ebook software, or information on how to promote an ebook. Again, the more bonuses the better.

If at all possible, place a dollar value on the bonuses you include. Why? Because this quantifies the "value" your customer is receiving.

2) Add proprietary bonuses. Create your own special reports or ebook as bonuses – something the customer could not get anywhere else on the web – this is critical if you are competing against others with resale rights to the same information product. If you don't like to write, or don't have the time find online articles that you can use and compile them into an ebook or special report.

If you have private label rights to articles or ebooks that allow you to change or modify the content, that's another resource you can use to create proprietary bonuses. If you don't have a private label rights package yourself, for more details visit to it's worth looking into. Again, it can be an easy creates your own bonuses to add value to the information product you are selling.

3) Strong guarantee. Another way to differentiate you from others that have resale rights to the same product is to offer a strong guarantee. As an example, you could offer a 60 day money back guarantee to your customers… and tell potential buyers they can still keep all the bonuses even if they end up requesting a refund.

4) Pricing. Sometimes your resale rights license specifies a certain price that you must sell the information product for. If it doesn't, then ideally you want to price your product so that the customer feels the value they are getting far exceeds the price.

So should you charge a rock-bottom price? Not necessarily. Sometimes a low price can hurt, for more details visit to other times it can help. The same holds true with a high price. The best way to find out is to test some various price points and see which one generates the most net income for you.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with some ideas you can use to be more competitive in the reseller arena, and generate some sales you might not have otherwise received!

Author : Zsidhurenuz

Resolve the Mythology of Products Creation

What is really an information product? On the Internet, anything that can be found there is considered as one. You can name anything; ranging from computer games, anti-virus software, e-book, songs, web templates, clip art or even a membership to a website. Welcome to the amazing world of Internet. Like

The information products listed have to be of value to somebody out there, otherwise you would not get to find them on the Internet. The question we would be asking ourselves is how do I create them and translate that into money for me. Now, this is the uniqueness of the Internet. Whatever problems that comes out of it, you can get to search for the solutions on it as well. The thing is that do we know where to search or how to go about it?

Take the creation of an ebook. If you simply do not possess the literacy skills, just hire a ghost writer to do it for you. What you can provide would be some ideas, a rough framework, pay some money and somebody out there is more than willing to do the job for you with all credit going to you. Mind you, this is not cheating, unlike getting work done for examinations. What is happening here is that you are paying for some work, take ownership of it and market it under your brand or name. It is totally a business deal.

In the case of software, there are loads of programming wizards out there who can churn out programs to your needs. End of the day, you want to pay for some work which you do not know how, but deep down inside you know that there is a demand for it.

Now, before you go out rushing to create your very own product, take a step back, ask yourself what is your objective? Obviously the main objective is to make money, but there are many ways to make money. Do not just narrow your mind on making money out of the product. For help visit You should think about what this product can do for you? For example, you can offer the product as a free gift to build your list, use it to brand yourself or even make use of it as a viral traffic generator; what that means is that in your information product, you can introduce the rest of your business to those reading it. All these actions will result in helping you to acquire more sales and build a base for you to market your future products that indirectly will generate income for you too. Take your time, look around you and I am sure that you will be able to come up with ideas to create information products which you can proudly call your own.

Author : Qsantra

Facts About E-books

Most people in today's world hardly have time to indulge in reading a book. In fact book reading has become passé and generation Y today would rather surf the net than read a book. To combat the changing times the books have changed their format and now we see the paper is giving away to the digital. Yes we are talking about the e books that are all the rage today. With the Internet space rapidly evolving we see a host of books are already available to us. For more details visit to .Initially people were not cognizant with the idea of reading books in a digital format. However times have changed now and thus E-books have started to occupy our reading space slowly but steadily.

Now you might wonder how, as a business owner, an e-Book would help you? Well for one it would give your target customers the required information. And it is well known fact that an informed customer is a more likely buyer?

Any business person can market an e-Book and basically the selling of e-Books is considered to be the easiest way to earn money. The selling of digital products has, for some time, been considered to be one of the most profitable businesses online and the e-Book is no exception. E-Books can be easily downloaded to ones computer and this factor alone naturally makes it a great buy. Furthermore when marketing e-Books no shipment or handling charges are required and as a result people can have their products instantly. In fact it is this easy availability that makes an e-book a great buy.

As an e-Book marketer you need to have a well-planned strategy. In fact there many strategies that you can opt for and among them there is a strategy that is actually ruling the roost at this moment in the online marketing sector. For more details go to .That is 'Cross-Marketing'. Now you might be wondering 'What exactly is 'Cross-Marketing?' Basically it is a strategy where you offer your e-Book along with a few other products so that your e-book offer becomes extremely attractive.

Whatever strategy you use to market your e-book product, make sure that the e-Book which you have for sale meets the basic essentials. Make sure that it has the perfect content which meets your requirements. If you cannot write the e-book yourself where would you get such content? There are many professional people online who are well versed in the arena of online writing and digital publishing. They are not difficult to find. There are many sites on the net which will allow you to get the e-Book of your choice and market it from your website. They ensure that you can offer a product which is up to the market standard. This, in turn, creates a boost in sales in your business. So what are you waiting for? Sell e-Books and make money.

Author : Singh

What Are The E-book Fairytale?

Junk. There's a lot of it out there, and you had better be prepared to fall over your fair share of it if you intend to do any kind of business online.

That's not to say that there aren't also nuggets of gold out there but you'll have to go to the end of a lot of rainbows to find them.

The key to building any kind of successful business online always has been and always will be information or go to

The reason the internet has taken off the way it has is because it allows anybody from anywhere to access information about what interests them and whether you are buying a new TV or subscribing to a newsletter what you want is the best information available to help you make the right decision.

This is no secret, and it is the reason why information products have been a big growth industry for the online gurus. At anywhere from $27 to $197+, you can buy this 'How To...' guide or that '...Secrets Revealed' e-book and truth be told some of these are invaluable in what they can offer but sadly some are just junk.

It is really important, in terms of securing your own success, that you take these products for what they are and never put all of your eggs in one e-books basket.

So how do you know if what you're being sold is information gold or just junkyard scrap?

Firstly not every quality piece of information is for sale. There is tons of great, free advice available. You may think that no one would really give away high quality info for free but you'd be wrong. In fact many people use exactly that method to establish themselves as leaders in their fields and encourage you to visit their sites.

Testimonials are great and can give you an insight into what the literature has helped other people to do but remember, nobody is going to put a bad review of their product on their site so the best thing for you to read is actually an excerpt from the book. Some authors will actually circulate a page or 2 of their work to encourage new readers. If you can't find anything then you can always just ask and if their work is as great as they say it is then they should have no reason not to show you a page or 2.

Once you have purchased/downloaded the e-book make sure it does what it says it does.
The content of the book should be exactly what the title and sub-headings claims it will be. If you find it going off on a different tangent then it's a safe bet that the information will lead you off in different directions too. You can visit

Lastly pay close attention to the little things like punctuation and grammar. It may not seem important but think about it: If a person hasn't taken the time to make sure that their work is professionally presented what else might they not have been bothered to do? In the multi-national world wide web there will always be some discrepancies for example the differences between UK-English and American-English spellings, but other than that there really is no reason why the work should be sub-par.

If you are ever in doubt about the advice you're receiving don't be afraid to ask for clarification. Check with people you know, ask in the forums even email the author of the book and ask them for more information. If you're still not sure then follow your instincts, put the book down and move on to the next rainbow.

Author : 74531