Friday, March 6, 2009

What Are The E-book Fairytale?

Junk. There's a lot of it out there, and you had better be prepared to fall over your fair share of it if you intend to do any kind of business online.

That's not to say that there aren't also nuggets of gold out there but you'll have to go to the end of a lot of rainbows to find them.

The key to building any kind of successful business online always has been and always will be information or go to

The reason the internet has taken off the way it has is because it allows anybody from anywhere to access information about what interests them and whether you are buying a new TV or subscribing to a newsletter what you want is the best information available to help you make the right decision.

This is no secret, and it is the reason why information products have been a big growth industry for the online gurus. At anywhere from $27 to $197+, you can buy this 'How To...' guide or that '...Secrets Revealed' e-book and truth be told some of these are invaluable in what they can offer but sadly some are just junk.

It is really important, in terms of securing your own success, that you take these products for what they are and never put all of your eggs in one e-books basket.

So how do you know if what you're being sold is information gold or just junkyard scrap?

Firstly not every quality piece of information is for sale. There is tons of great, free advice available. You may think that no one would really give away high quality info for free but you'd be wrong. In fact many people use exactly that method to establish themselves as leaders in their fields and encourage you to visit their sites.

Testimonials are great and can give you an insight into what the literature has helped other people to do but remember, nobody is going to put a bad review of their product on their site so the best thing for you to read is actually an excerpt from the book. Some authors will actually circulate a page or 2 of their work to encourage new readers. If you can't find anything then you can always just ask and if their work is as great as they say it is then they should have no reason not to show you a page or 2.

Once you have purchased/downloaded the e-book make sure it does what it says it does.
The content of the book should be exactly what the title and sub-headings claims it will be. If you find it going off on a different tangent then it's a safe bet that the information will lead you off in different directions too. You can visit

Lastly pay close attention to the little things like punctuation and grammar. It may not seem important but think about it: If a person hasn't taken the time to make sure that their work is professionally presented what else might they not have been bothered to do? In the multi-national world wide web there will always be some discrepancies for example the differences between UK-English and American-English spellings, but other than that there really is no reason why the work should be sub-par.

If you are ever in doubt about the advice you're receiving don't be afraid to ask for clarification. Check with people you know, ask in the forums even email the author of the book and ask them for more information. If you're still not sure then follow your instincts, put the book down and move on to the next rainbow.

Author : 74531

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